mardi 28 janvier 2014

Why A Rat Removal Company Is The Quickest & Easiest Solution For A Rodent Infestation

By Dave L. Weglin

Suffering a rat infestation in your home, farm or place of business can be a serious concern for a variety of reasons. Destruction of food and other resources and the potential for disease transmission are just two of the potential problems that these rodents can bring. In the case of significant infestation, bringing in a rat removal company is usually the best option.

Spoiled food, damaged electrical cables, and mess from droppings are three of the main headaches caused by rodents. For a home owner, food spoilage and other damage is an annoyance, but not necessarily a calamity. For farmers and business owners, spoilage of edible foodstuffs and other stock can be a serious problem that can lead to significant loss of revenue.

Despite their unsavoury reputation, rats are in fact shy animals and will steer clear of humans as much as possible. They prefer to go about their business of feeding and mating in peace and safety and will set up home in places where they can avoid disturbance. Some of their most favoured nesting places are under-floor areas, lofts, attics and burrows.

Since they are relatively shy creatures, if they are seen (living or dead) this can be an indication that large numbers of them are present. Tracks in grass and other vegetation is another tell-tale sign, as they like to forage through familiar territory. Other evidence of rodent activity can include things like tooth marks and debris from chewing, urine, droppings, paw-prints and footprints.

The risk of rodent-borne disease is potentially a cause for concern. It is however relatively uncommon these days for humans to contract disease in this way. If contact with rodents or their waste matter should occur, hands should be washed immediately with an anti-bacterial cleaner.

Handling wild rodents should ideally only be done by pest control experts. Rodents that feel threatened will defend themselves by scratching and biting. If they absolutely must be handled, thick gloves should be worn and the animals should always be kept away from the face. If scratched or bitten (and skin is broken), one should seek medical help immediately.

Be aware that smaller populations of rats may be difficult to eradicate. They are wary of foreign objects in their environment and for this reason traps often prove ineffective. To confirm infestation and properly eradicate the problem, a engaging a rat removal company is usually the best option. They have the experience and expertise to pinpoint the problem and can often deal with it much more thoroughly than the layperson.

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